BLM Specimen #2

Swordfish Mining Virgin Valley Opal
Virgin Valley Opal Mining Claims, Stones, specials & specimens in Humboldtt Co, Nevada. Black Opals, Opal in Wood, White & Jelly Opals, Gem Silica & Chrysocolla
To hire me for my exclusive Opal Seminar tour displaying the claims for sale call 775-941-0725 or email me at clodbreaker@gmail.com $2,000 to $100,000 for the best prospects on precious Black, Crystal & White Opals available without paying millions for the established fee dig.
All claims produce opals & the opalised wood they are found in along with the precious opal pockets possibly only another pick away. I don’t offer fee digging on every claim. Buyers are allowed to test dig by paying for fee digging taken off the price of that one.
Prices vary depending on features such as gravel roads, power access, lack of overburden & past production or surveys. All claims have produced precious opal before location. Cost is $200 for my proprietary information given during the 4 plus hours long tour of the mining district. A few mines require a 4×4 to access.
You dont have to buy a claim to learn how to mine opals. After the Opal Seminar you don’t have to hire me again to go rockhounding “in the know”, so I need paid up front for gas and what I know that is not published. The refuge banned using tools to rockhound off a claim.
I’ve lived here mining for three decades prospecting, mining & selling the opals. I have the keys to the Kokopelli for fee digging at advertised rates. I’m their representative and the Opal Negra owner also.
If you want petrified limbcasts or logs, I offer fee digging at $200 a day on my exclusive excellent wood deposit & precious opal is found there also. Keep all you can haul away.
One Millsite with power and a well, phone & internet access with an accompanying claim. Price is $50,000. No more well drilling or power installation is allowed here now.
Fee digging for Chysocolla & copper minerals from the vein by Denio that is a proven producer is only $50 per person, half day entry, $100 by the bucket or boulder mined or $200 from my stock. Some Gem Silica is found in association with the Chrysocolla & Malachite.