Oh that published. The three chunks by the door were wood and the mine is next.
The wood is a glassy, flake over chip, solid opalization. The surface weathered out pieces of wood, rounds are extremely rare, usually have desert varnish on them or naturally polished. In long wave they approach agate and fluoresce orange or yellow with the rarer agates or opal veins green. Precious color from here is usually visible, in the opal coverings and cavities. Common opal is more widespread as always. I have rounds. Even a natural vase like round, waterproof and a hollow piece from next to it, next piece came out in slabs which is typical.
$ 1 a pound for smaller opalized wood chunks to tumble. $2 a pound for agate wood. $5 a pound for choice large “artful” pieceas of agate wood or opalized wood rounds. Agate rounds are by the piece. Your shipping costs will vary. Wet Opal mine run $20 a pound as available. Dried Opal potch $10 a pound. Pure white small twig opal choice casts, usually green uv, some blue at $50 a pound. Agates that were veins in opalized logs are $100 a pound. Some have jewellery grade botridal surfaces or water lines
And don’t forget the Wilder Green Amazonite/malachite in quartz/Kspar. $5 a pound Wilder Blue gem silica & Wilder Red Wine Quartz/Feldspar. Chrysocolla bearing, or more fittingly Amazonite to Gem silica (Feldspar crosscut with Quartz pegmatite with poly-metallic mineralization of copper, Iron, Aluminum plus in various grades. 18 lbs per 65$ introductory mine run boxes listed on ESTY. The next photo are slabs for consignment of the better copper and quartz mixes.
This is what slabs look like. It has been called checkerboard chrysocolla before. I sell claims so if you need a mine, call me. The Wedding Ring copper mine is $10,000, unpatented. That price on the slab is what they wanted for retail at a consignment store in Elko, NV.