Hiya everybody who discovers me or never left! Add me to your favorite reader.

I’m John Church the owner of Swordfish Mining Virgin Valley Opal. For going on 30 years I have been the boots on the ground discoverer & seller of multiple precious opal deposits. I was the go to guy on Facebook until the false copyright claims disabled my much senior Virgin Valley Opal Group, my 4,000 plus connections account & the thousands of reply’s with helpful information on others posts. All my information & photographs are gone.

You wonder why my absence has been extended besides actually having health issues. 5 hours for me to drive to my lawyer while his lawyer lives in his head & he will fake illness for undeserved sympathy in a war that HE started & CONTINUES terrorizing us owners he wants to claimjump. Life takes up time and the grand kids have no need to even know he is out there ankle biting for their inheritance.

I’m doing my best for rockhounds & current owners wanting claims as I downsize to only selling & mining as desired.

So, welcome to my wonderful life in a wonderful place.