As a precaution, if you think you might want to watch again or read, download my content off here, Youtube, Rumble should be safe but I hardly put anything there yet. Then if something happens to me, like my Facebook existence was removed, or the internet access goes away more likely. https://www.youtube.com/@whatatimewaster and more recent uploads https://www.youtube.com/@ResortDog and Rumble should be there too https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all
One good solar flare & it’s the dark ages again. That or a cold induced earthquake from the power plant they are putting in next door; on the deep long fault through Nevada & Oregon past the Steens Mtn. Dutchsinse on Youtube goes into how all the drilling & fracking is connected to more earthquakes, besides just monitoring the planet and advising us. https://www.youtube.com/@dutchsinse

Painting on UV wood flakes. She also did some nice ones on leaf print plates. The ugly sides now look better and what they were collected for originally before the Value Added, was still visible.
That and I think Im not being “socially accepted” in certain circles due to political attack. https://www.youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers
Whatatimewaster & ResortDog may not be around much longer if the fact checkers don’t like what I say and I might add, I’m not leaving any treasure maps or diaries behind me for what is where and how deep. If its not bought, my knowledge stays in the ground too. I still plan on keeping the appointments that have been arranged.