I sell Opal claims to dig your own opals on and millsites that you can camp on out of the camp ground. The people who sell fee digging won’t tell you there are options to paying every day unless you ask about me, Swordfish Mining as they are in the business of hosting day diggers.
I dont escort you onto to private property trying to get you here by saying it is public or take half your opal if you got lucky and it costs nothing a day when you own. Call for details.

I’ve had to keep up with site revisions and creations and deletions of entire webpages with a history I have to go to Archive to look at now. I have issues with statements of non fact stated as such or worse facts left out when it comes to “telling all”.
I live here & not just here to make a buck from somewhere else most of the year. Swordfish Mining’s information & more year round, besides the whole resident in a tiny town thing, fills my life. I don’t need any more karma points for giving free online advice to beginners in forums, even tho’ I do daily and I will always be a moderator at OpalholicsAnonymous as long as they will let me.
Do you know I have a gem silica & chrysocolla mine here for sale you could run a fee dig from? The Kspar and other varieties are listed on Esty for less than anybody else, even with the same stuff as they want 200 -400 bucks for a slab of the gem silica mixed in smokey quartz at the gift shop.
This is a private endevour, not corporate, or run from some mailbox or free website. It annoys me to no end when people online lie that they established a claim here when they have never come to erect a location monument as state law requires. Come meet me or at least call if you are even thinking of getting a place to dig of your own out on BLM land where the real laws apply.
Ive sold in gem & mineral shows for 20 plus years, granted a lot less after losing Leah. There is still flats of materials Im listing as I find time from MINING OPALS!
Since 1993, when I moved here after just coming to fee dig earlier, I have walked this entire place and know the ground. Every claim had corners tagged or put in by me for I found there were a lot of lazy people who never even looked or walked their own maps, then gave up. Ive seen almost every worthy prospect not locked up by a fee dig when the owners died or went away along with all the places I found on my own. Always with permission and I am very close to the owners at Opal Negra, Opal Queen and the Rainbow Ridge.
Do YOU want your own place you can use tools in the refuge and not pay? Yes, the refuge outlawed even hand tools such a a rake shovel hammer on both the Oregon and Nevada Wildlife refuges.
Call me because there is nobody else who is as familiar witht the ENTIRE district. yes somebody is good at copying books. Or call Scott Ryals of the Opal Negra if you don’t trust me, or Rainbow Ridge for a charector reference.

Time to dig, days are getting short.
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